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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Rewards of Rubrics

The video, Rewards of Rubrics,  is from a Blackboard webinar offered on February 18, 2013 and presented by Torria Bond, California Baptist University.
Description: Viewers will be able to identify what rubrics are, name two types of rubrics, and be able to construct an assignment in Blackboard with an attached rubric given a live demonstration in Blackboard. Time: 49:58. Recommend starting at the 8 min mark.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Captioning YouTube Videos

Watch the video below to learn how to use YouTube to add close-captioning to your videos:

Blackboard Faculty Success

Want to keep up-to-date on how to use Blackboard effectively? Blackboard has a lot of great learning tools to help faculty become more effecient with their learning management system and offer webinars on how to engage students. Visit the Blackboard Faculty Success page and sign-up for email alerts on upcoming workshops.

Video Everywhere

Video Everywhere is a new Blackboard feature that allows instructors and students to use a webcam and easily post the video of themselves ontoYouTube. Video Everywhere is available on the text boxes for such tools as Bb announcements, discussion posts, and more. Users must have a Google® account that is registered on YouTube. A YouTube channel is required to process and save your webcam.

See Getting Started with Video Everywhere for information on how to use this great new tool.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blackboard Innovative Teaching Series for Spring 2013

The Blackboard Innovative Teaching Series (BITS) offers free training to instructors to support your efforts to use Blackboard effectively with your students. BITS will share the top strategies and pedagogy for both increasing your efficiency and improving student learning outcomes. The program consists of weekly faculty training webinars that are taught by faculty and supported by Blackboard experts. For more information and to register in these one hour sessions, click on Blackboard Learn.

Blackboard Exemplary Course Deadline Is Almost Here

The 2013 Exemplary Course Program deadline is fast-approaching! There is only one week left to submit your award-worthy course. Submitting your course is a great professional development opportunity and allows you to receive invaluable feedback on course development from your peers.
What is the Exemplary Course Program? For over ten years, the Exemplary Course Program has been recognizing faculty and course designers around the world who develop exciting and innovative courses that represent the very best in technology and learning. Courses are evaluated in four major areas (Course Design, Interaction & Collaboration, Assessment and Learner Support) by a peer group of clients and Directors.

Get the recognition you deserve – participate in the 2013 Blackboard Catalyst Awards. To learn more about the submission process and the rest of our award categories, visit our website. All award submissions are due February 15, 2013. If you have any questions, please send an email to