Search Blog

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

SKYCTC Best Practices Forum In Teaching, Learning, and Advising

SKYCTC will be offering a Spring Best Practices Forum and Roundtable Session In Teaching, Learning, and Advising on Friday, April 12. The workshop will take place at the KATI Campus from 9 am - 12 pm. Contact Lisa Hunt for more information.

SoftChalk Webinars for KCTCS Faculty & Staff

Do you want to make your Blackboard courses or presentations more engaging and interactive? Then don't miss this KCTCS Online exclusive offer to learn how to use SoftChalk.

SoftChalk will be presenting a series of 5 sessions just for KCTCS faculty and staff. Together, these sessions will teach you everything you need to know to utilize SoftChalk to engage your students with interactive lessons and presentations.

You do need to register for each session. You are welcome to attend all sessions or just the ones you choose. Watch for an email from the Blackboard Administrator or from Cindy Gaffney. You can use all of these webinar trainings for your professional development.

SoftChalk is available to all KCTCS faculty and staff. Contact the Help Desk to have SoftChalk Create downloaded to your computer.

Kentucky Innovations Conference

The registration is now open for the 2013 Kentucky Innovations Conference at   The conference registration fee is $150 early bird and $200 for registrations after April 26. The conference will be at UK on May 16 and 17.  
The Kentucky Innovations Conference is focused on examining topics related to P-12, adult and post-secondary education. Presentations, panel discussions, poster sessions and corporate partners will provide conference participants the opportunity to discuss the scholarship of teaching and learning, the latest technologies, best practices and to share innovative instructional techniques. Upon completion of the conference, participants will have a better understanding of major trends and key issues facing Kentucky education.