Although it is not specifically related to online learning, I thought I would share this article written by Eric Hoover and Sara Lipka posted in today's Chronicle of Higher Education on one community college's commencement. The article relates the hundreds of stories [see the excerpt below] of struggle that had a happy ending for the graduates of that college. It is also a story of why we teach in community colleges. See Each Called by Name for the full article.
"Tonight's graduates succeeded through hard work and will. Yet theirs is also the story of a supporting cast who pleaded with them to enroll, helped pay their tuition, gave them a place to stay, counseled them on marriage, asked them "No, how are you really doing?," joined their late-night study sessions, looked after their children, walked them to tutoring, helped them before class, found them scholarships, high-fived them when they passed tests, urged them to speak up, and wouldn't let them quit."
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