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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Blackboard Exemplary Course Award: How to Get Your Course Ready!

Listed below is information about an upcoming Blackboard webinar series that will prepare you to possibly submit your online course for consideration for the Blackboard Exemplary Course award.  This is a great professional development opportunity and I know many of you have terrific online courses that should be considered for this award.

Blackboard Exemplary Course Cohort: Register today!

Using the Blackboard Exemplary Course Program (ECP) Rubric as a guide, this cohort will provide both theoretical concepts and practical tools for instructors to recognize, organize, and build online courses for both blended learners and online learners. Over the course of four weeks, ECP Directors and 2013 Exemplary Course Winners will expand upon each element of the rubric. This program will be most beneficial to educators and designers who are new to online learning. Sign up!


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